The Three R’s of Customer Satisfaction - It's All SAVVY

The Three R’s of Customer Satisfaction

Getting your customers to refer your business to others can be one of the most valuable types of customer satisfaction you can receive. But how can you ensure that they will do so? The answer lies in understanding how to satisfy three types of customers. Retention, Related Sales, and Referrals are the three Rs of customer satisfaction, and each one encourages and compels customers to return to your business, tell others about it, and buy more from you in the future. For each of these types of customers, there are specific strategies you can use to keep them coming back and to inspire their next purchase from you.

If you’re looking to improve customer satisfaction, retention is one way to achieve that goal. Loyal customers spend more money with you in total than your average customers; it costs a lot less to keep a customer than it does to gain a new one. By using tactics like loyalty programs or repeat-client discounts, you can show customers how much they mean to your business—and encourage them to stick around.

If you have an existing client base, try asking for testimonials from some of your most loyal clients. You might be surprised by what they have to say about your business. Savvy will tell you in the customer sales report who your best customers are. Edit the status button ‘Complete” to routinely ask for reviews and testimonials to find the customers that love you.

Related Sales
Cross-selling and up-selling are an excellent way to increase customer satisfaction. When you do your best to offer customers everything they may need in one place. It’s also smart to develop personal relationships with customers who come into your shop frequently. You will be able to recognize when a customer is looking for a product that you sell elsewhere in your store or online. Being able to fulfill their need even if it is not directly part of your normal service, will increase the clients sense of satisfaction and give them that happy ‘feel good’ feeling that you have gone that extra mile.

Nothing builds customer satisfaction like referrals. It’s a concept that we take for granted in our day-to-day lives. There are few things more satisfying than being able to connect people who need what you have to offer with those who can provide it. In fact, we get such a positive feeling from referring people that it makes us more willing to be on their end of a referral as well. We trust their judgment more when they recommend another business. This means that if you want to create loyal customers, one of your best strategies is to make sure they feel comfortable enough with your company to refer others. The easiest way to do so is by providing excellent service—and then thanking them for doing so!

If you want to increase client satisfation you need to consider how to improve retention, how to keep your clients. In the end delivering exceptional service will do this. Savvy will help you with this with the auto reminders, convenient Savvy Pay, payment plans for VIPs, the status message buttons to make communication effortless and send to all marketing to make building that bond easier (look at all our features here

Dont thing of upselling as just a way of getting more money out of each client (which of course it does), but think of it more as being able to meet more of the needs of your clients, whether its by offering a special product they cant get elsewhere, or would need to make another trip out to buy from someone can malke their life easier and go that extra mile.

Referrals are crucial then for spreading the word, once you have totally happy clients, thats the time to thank them and reward them. Savvy has an Ambassador programme for just this kind of thing. We LOVE our ambassadors! If you’d like to be considered for that programme, send us an email to hello@itsallsavvy,com
