Your Ideal Client – 4 Steps to Identifying and Securing - It's All SAVVY

Your Ideal Client – 4 Steps to Identifying and Securing

If you’re trying to grow your small business, one of the best ways to do so is to identify your ideal client. A client who will appreciate your expertise and stick with you for years. But how do you find them? And how do you know if you’ve found the right people to help grow your business? Read on to learn five simple steps that will help you identify ideal clients, even if they’re currently hidden in plain sight.

1) Identify your ideal client’s demographics
When you’re first building your business, you need to spend some time doing research. It may seem daunting at first—where do you begin? Start by determining who your ideal client is, and decide on their demographics (age, sex, income level, education level). Once you know who they are and how many of them there are in your area/city/country/world it will be much easier for you to find potential customers.

2) Determine your ideal clients’ pain points
Before you start actively looking for new clients, think about what your ideal client really needs. Take some time to understand what problems your ideal client is having or goals he or she wants to achieve. Ask yourself these questions: Why are they unhappy? What do they struggle with? Why are they worrying about? What are they looking for in the service you offer? What are their goals? How do they spend their day-to-day lives? How does that differ from how they want it to be? Jot down everything you can come up with.

3) Identify your ideal clients’ dream lifestyle
What motivates them? Are they materialistic, do they live in big houses, drive flash cars and love holidaying in posh hotels? Are they aspiring to that type of luxury lifestyle and looking for products to fill that high end urge? Do they love ethical products? Are they passionate and driven by certain causes. Are they crazy busy with no time and just want things to be easy and are willing to pay for great service and an easy life? Your ideal client doesn’t just want to make money. They want a particular lifestyle, and they’re willing to pay you for it. Of all those things which ones best align with your own values and your own beliefs and how you want to run your business?

4) Determine where your ideal client is active online
There are a few places you can turn to find clients, including social media. Where do your ideal clients hang out? If they are professionals at work all day, then LinkedIn and other professional-networking sites might be worth signing up to. If they are young Gen Z’s then they may not be found on facebook and you might be better off heading over to Instagram to find them. Gen X’s will probably be hanging out on Facebook. Don’t forget local groups and consider other places offline where you will also come across those same people for referral, recommendations and more traditional marketing.

Once you’ve in the right place, then make sure your communication strikes a chord with them. Think about their needs that you’ve identified and make sure you are telling them regularly how you are awesome at meeting those needs! These actions will ensure that when you do send out marketing emails, they are reminded to book in! Use Savvy’s send to all feature and you can even subdivide your client lists using the flag feature and make sure that your marketing is targeted to those specific clients.

Remember most clients need to have come across you on average 7 times before they will book in, so make sure you consider what those 7 points of contact will be.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can collate and record and identify your best clients using Savvy, schedule an appointment with our team.
