2023 - It's All SAVVY

Year: 2023

What Qualifications Do I Need to Be a Dog Groomer?

With the UK having over 30% of households that own one or more dogs, as well as dogs being the most popular pet in the UK it is no surprise that dog grooming services and the general pet grooming industry

How Long Does It Take to Train as a Dog Groomer?

With the UK having over 30% of households that own one or more dogs, as well as dogs being the most popular pet in the UK it is no surprise that dog grooming services and the general pet grooming industry

What do I need to do to run a dog grooming business from home?

With dog owners spending £131.40 on grooming in the UK and more than 10 million dogs, dog grooming can equal big business for savvy managers. The statistics speak for themselves, highlighting a demand that has continued to flourish since more than 3.2 million pets

Are dog groomers in high demand?

The UK is a nation of animal lovers, with 34% of households owning at least one dog. 49% of owners also say that their pets are a part of their family and that they ensure their lives fit around their pampered animal’s

Why Crufts is the best dog event of the year for dog groomers

Crufts is the world-renowned annual dog show that brings together the best of the best in the canine world. It is a must-attend event for any serious dog groomer looking to hone their skills and make connections with industry professionals.

How to Market Your Dog Grooming Business on a Budget

Are you a dog groomer looking to market your business but don’t have a big budget to work with? You’re in luck! With the right strategies, you can cut costs and get the word out about your dog grooming services

7 Ways to Grow Your Dog Grooming Business in a Recession

The global recession has left many businesses struggling to stay afloat, and the dog grooming industry is no different. During a recession, it can be difficult to maintain or even grow your business, but there are steps you can take

Download your Business Planning E-book

Step by step guide to how to write a business plan to streamline your grooming business, increase your profits and meet your goals. Your own blank template, designed for groomers who want to know how to write a practical, useful